Need a Little Homework Inspiration?

barkeater Blog, Cool, Team Members

This Barkeater Team Story is courtesy of Montana. Sweeten up that homework load!

When I started college I was feeling the way most college freshman probably felt: excited and scared at the same time. Going from a tiny town where everybody knew everybody to a school where I knew no one wasn’t exactly easy. Then I got college homework. Let’s make things clear: I was a good student in high school. Near the top of my class. But the HOMEWORK. It was so much more than I was used to. At first it was hard to motivate myself to do readings and practice conjugations. But I figured out the best way to get things done was a reward system. For every number of pages finished, or number of vocab words memorized, I would have some chocolate. And I would only have a bite. Which was the real motivation: no one can just have ONE BITE of chocolate. That’s absurd! I wanted the whole thing! This was the technique I found worked well for me. I even learned a few things: peanut butter cups were NOT the way to go. One bite meant half the cup! The best chocolate to use is a chocolate bar. Break it up into pieces and only have one piece at a time. So I would do the next step of my homework and continue the process until I was finished (at which point whatever chocolate was left would be annihilated).